Blog Post: "Kumiko Patterns: Discover New Designs" - Featuring kumiko patterns such as Rindo, Sakura, Shippo, and Ume

Kumiko Patterns: Discover New Designs

There are hundreds of unique kumiko patterns, each with its own intricate design. Most are based on either a square or hexagonal grid, with hexagonal grids being more popular. Many patterns draw inspiration from nature, reflecting elements like flowers and foliage through geometric representations. Below are some examples of a few common patterns. This is a growing list and more patterns will be added. Do you know a pattern that you'd like to see on this list? Let me know and send an email to

New to kumiko? Check out this article to learn more!

Some of the patterns below were designed with the help of

Download these patterns as a PDF

Hexagonal Patterns

Square Patterns

Want to learn more about kumiko and make your own patterns?

Check out these Kumiko Starter Kits!

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