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Kumiko Basics - Downloadable Course

Kumiko Basics - Downloadable Course

Regular price $49.00 USD
Regular price $99.00 USD Sale price $49.00 USD
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What you'll learn in this course:

Almost an hour of purely instructional video content, broken into six easy-to-follow chapters highlighting different steps, tools, and processes. These videos are downloadable so you can follow along, rewind, and rewatch when it's most convenient for you.

This course walks you through all the steps of making kumiko,  starting with raw materials to finished asanoha pattern. Along with tools and material choice, we'll go over all the fundamental principles of making kumiko while demonstrating how to do several operations with hand tools as well as the table saw.

How the course is broken down:

Introduction – Overview of what you’ll learn
Chapter 1: Tools & Materials – Essential tools & wood selection
Chapter 2: Milling – Preparing and dimensioning stock
Chapter 3: Making the Grid – Precision cutting & joinery
Chapter 4: Infill & Assembly – Crafting an asanoha pattern
Chapter 5: Tips & Conclusion – Expert insights & final touches

What's Included:

Nearly an hour of purely instructional content
6 easily digestible video lessons
Downloadable videos—learn at your own pace
Perfect for beginners & experienced woodworkers alike

Learn Kumiko the right way—at your own speed, with clear, professional guidance!

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