Kumiko Pieces/Instructions - Kaku Asanoha
Kumiko Pieces/Instructions - Kaku Asanoha
Already have the jigs and looking for pieces to start making kumiko? Here you'll get all the pieces you need (plus some extra) to make a 5" x 5" Kaku Asanoha (square asanoha) pattern as well as a step by step instruction manual (optional). The pieces are 1/2" x 1/8" basswood with pre-cut half laps.
If you opt for the instruction manual, as soon as you place your order, you will receive an email including the PDF manual so you can review it as your pieces are being shipped to you. There is also a hardcopy included in the order.
Need jigs? You can find them here. Also, try our kumiko starter kit.
Looking for a kumiko project? Try these lantern plans
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