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JT Woodworks Kumiko Sled

JT Woodworks Kumiko Sled

Regular price $245.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $245.00 USD
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This adjustable JT Woodworks kumiko sled is designed to help you create precise jigumi (kumiko grids). With its configurable registration keys, it accommodates a variety of grid sizes, making it a versatile tool for your woodworking projects.

This sled can help you create square and rectangular grids, as well as hexagonal (triangular) and diamond grids.

It also features fixed, highly accurate fences that act as reliable reference points. Additionally, it includes aluminum adjustable registration keys. These keys come in 1/8", 3/16", and 1/4" thicknesses, enabling you to work with strips of multiple sizes.

Using the sled is simple and effortless!

  1. First, adjust the registration key to your desired spacing and equip your saw with a blade that matches your strip thickness.
  2. Make your initial cut, then align it over the registration key.
  3. Repeat this process for each cut along the strip’s length.
  4. Always keep the strip flat against the fence and sled base for optimal results.

While cutting multiple strips at once is possible, we recommend cutting them individually for ultimate precision.

What's Included in this Flat Pack Kit:

  • Base Piece
  • Front and Rear Fences
  • Additonal Front Fence Piece
  • Angled Fence Plate
  • Angled Fences
  • Four Shuttles
  • Six Registration Keys
  • Three T-Bolts
  • Three Threaded Knobs
  • HDPE Runner
  • Screws
  • QR Code for Assembly Instructions

Download the assembly instructions here.

Watch how to use the here.

Already have the V2 sled and need the up grade? Get it here! (This listing is for sled V2.1)


*Patent Pending*

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